Home > Artworks > Pierre-Yves BELTRAN

Photo of Pierre-Yves BELTRAN France

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"Contemporary art" born Oran (Algeria). Ma painting from memory is fed mediterranean: bright, colorful and warm. In painting freely and the issue may matter little: estpretexto a personal interpretation. Astengo the constant preocupacin give pictorial form the contours of my imagination. Giant Allcabezas same amscaras African alltodava colored interior full of details, AQUDOS sober compositions. Work on paper and on canvas...

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"Contemporary art" born Oran (Algeria). Ma painting from memory is fed mediterranean: bright, colorful and warm. In painting freely and the issue may matter little: estpretexto a personal interpretation. Astengo the constant preocupacin give pictorial form the contours of my imagination. Giant Allcabezas same amscaras African alltodava colored interior full of details, AQUDOS sober compositions. Work on paper and on canvas (acrylic, pastel, oil ...) after studies at the Fine Arts set up my workshop Parsy Montpellier in southern France that changed to cause rather than exposure. If you want to give me part of their criticisms, their interest for me to buy a painting or work pngaseme contact: pbeltran@free.fr my sites: http://pierreyvesbeltran.wifeo.com http: / / pierreyvesbeltran.site.voila.fr sites Reference: www.artistescotes.com www.artecomunicarte.com

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